Sudsy Soapcakes

Sudsy Soapcakes
Sudsy Soapcakes
We think it truly matters what you put on your skin.

Saponified premium certified organic oils of virgin coconut, extra virgin olive, unrefined shea butter and castor, pure essential oil, earth clay

From the very beginning, Sudsy Soapcakes has been a family enterprise. For over 3 decades, we have formulated, measured, stirred, poured, molded, cut, bottled and wrapped thousands of luxurious bars and hundreds of gallons of rich liquid all natural soap.

We are one big, fun-loving, eclectic bunch with a common goal; to make the best soap in the world.

We hope you love our Soapcakes and Liquid Soap as much as we do!

Sudsy Soapcakes (Kathy Powell)
Fort Dodge
United States
  • Sudsy Soapcakes
  • Sudsy Soapcakes

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