Dragon’s Blood Soap Bar (5 oz)

Dragon’s Blood Soap Bar (5 oz)
This  Artisan soap fragrance  is infused with natural essential oils including cedarwood, patchouli, clove, and orange.
Allsfair Chandlery

Dragon’s Blood is a bright red resin harvested from a variety of different plants commonly referred to as “dragon trees,” and has been used for centuries in all kinds of applications like medicine, incense, and dye. Our Dragon’s Blood Areusable Soap is a potent, heady blend of sweet, spicy, and earthy notes that’s infused with cedarwood, orange, clove, and patchouli essential oils.

This  Artisan soap fragrance  is infused with natural essential oils including cedarwood, patchouli, clove, and orange.

INGREDIENTS: coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, castor oil, potassium hydroxide, fragrance oil, activated charcoal and Mica colorants.

Allsfair Chandlery
United States

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