Lavender Butter
Cocoa, Mango Seed, and Shea butters are known to provide the skin with essential fatty acids and vitamins. These ingredients are easily absorbed by the skin and aid in the process of moisturizing, hydrating, reducing skin inflammation, fading scars and firming the appearance of skin. Lavender essential oil uses its antibacterial properties to naturally cleanse the skin with its antibacterial properties, reduces skin inflammation, and soothes dry, itchy skin. Lavender essential oil promotes relaxation and is believed to treat anxiety, contain anti-fungal properties, and aid in the treatment of insomnia, nausea, depression,allergies, and menstrual cramps. Brazillian Purple Clay provides anti- aging benefits which helps to remove dead skin cells, reduce skin oiliness without over drying, increase skin firmness and elasticity, and stimulate collagen production.