Chickweed Plus Dietary Supplement

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Chickweed Plus Dietary Supplement
Chickweed is an herb that is used to break down cellulite as well as moving plaque out blood vessels & eliminate fatty substances in the system. It is also a blood purifier, gout, & immflamuation in rheumatic joints. This compound has additional herbs like Fenugreek Seeds to aid in losing weight.

What’s in your stomach? Our stomachs suppose to have organs, muscles (yes 6 packs). If you don’t see 6 pack and you see a keg the question is what’s in your stomach. An empty stomach is usually 12 inches by 6 inches. Now if we have a keg, that means the stomach is expanded and is now invading other spaces. Again what’s in your stomach. I we process the food out we should be operating on empty stomachs, however when our stomach stays expanded that means we have various things inside like worms, parasites, rotting food, toxins, bacterias, etc. etc. How can we eliminate old waste and poorly processed food?

Introducing “Chickweed Plus Fat Metabolizing Formula”. This formula contains Chickweed, Fenugreek Seeds, & other fat metabolizing  herbs that assist with poor elimination which leads to weight loss. When combined with good nutrition “Chickweed Plus” cancels out hard to shed cellulite among other fats.

Diet and nutrition affects the effectiveness of formula.

Ingredients: Bee Pollen, Burdock Root, Cascara Sarada Root, Chickweed Leaf, Dandelion Leaf & Root, Fenugreek Seeds, Irish Moss, Juniper Berries, Parsley Leaf, Stinging Nettle Root

Additional ingredients: Distilled Water, Vinegar & Vegetable Glycerin

No additives, no alcohol, or preservatives

OASA’S Products, LLC
Palm Coast
  • Chickweed Plus Dietary Supplement

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