Arnica Lavender Lotion

Likewise, lavender has a history of soothing away headache pain.
Arthritis runs in the family. Based upon lavender’s history as a headache remedy, I tested its ability to help relax stiff joints in the morning. It did, and it didn’t take much.
I discovered arnica a few years later. I didn’t like the gel-based products on the market, so I went straight to a manufacturer of arnica oil in the Rocky Mountains.
I thought about making an arnica based massage oil. However, oils are harder to carry. They’re notorious for leaking out. So I developed an Arnica Lavender massage lotion instead.
Essential Oil-Enhanced Relief
I love the feel of this lotion. It absorbs quickly and slides on beneath my hands without friction. However, that’s not all I like about it. With a little research, I found a combination of essential oils that folklore alleges are soothing properties to complement the arnica. I use these oils to scent the lotion.
Lavender EO was as effective as tramadol, a prescription medication, at reducing pain in one study. [Source]
Rose Geranium EO contains three components that studies show reduce inflammation (a primary cause of pain)—citronellol, geraniol, and citronellyl formate. [Source]
Grapefruit EO offers mild anti-microbial activity. [Source]
The FDA doesn’t allow me to make any claims for this lotion. I can’t tell you it will take away pain. However, test it for yourself. If your body responds to arnica and lavender, this lotion could take the edge off your discomfort.