All natural Shea butter soap

Shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, avacado butter, mango butter, castor oil and sweet almond oil come together in this ultra rich bar of soap, scented with essential oils.
  1. Shea butter
  2. coconut oil
  3. olive oil
  4. Avacado butter
  5. Mango butter
  6. Castor oil
  7. sweet almond oil

Combined with a special blend of 100% pure essential oils, this bar of soap is ultra moisturizing as well as great for your senses.

Used best to wake you up, this proprietary blend carries notes of: Lavender, Lemon, Sweet orange, Frankincense, Geranium, tea tree, Lemongrass, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, black currant, Jasmine and Patchouli


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