Mineral Bath Therapy
If you use chlorinated water you MUST treat it with our NUTRAL product before putting the Mineral bag into the water. Chlorine, being a killing agent, kills the beneficial effects of these Mineral Baths.
Fulvic acid and Humic extract topical use and bath therapies show amazing clinical results
Fulvic acid and humic extract water solutions can safely be applied as skin treatments. Directly applied or as bath therapies, fulvic and humic extracts are safe in amounts as high as 10 percent weight-by-volume. Medical doctors have found that extended saturation of the skin by direct application, or use as a bath therapy can be highly successful in treating many external and internal conditions. Clinical studies show that ulcerous skin problems and various skin diseases can be eliminated. Studies by a U.S. doctor have shown that fulvic acid or humic extract bath treatments can cure the common cold or flu in just one or two session, stopping them dead in their tracks.
Hospital patients with skin ulcers had 92.2% success rate when treated with fulvic acid and humic extract baths.
Yuan, Shenyuan; Fulvic Acid, 4 1988; in Application of Fulvic acid and its derivatives in the fields of agriculture and medicine ; First Edition: June 1993
Medical doctors in Europe , China, and even the United States, have discovered that clinical bath treatments using specially prepared humic and fulvic extracts have unparalleled healing power with many serious diseases. Patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis and other bone, joint, tendon, and muscle autoimmune disorders, exhibit healing effects that are unrivaled. Often after a few weeks of daily bath sessions, patients are significantly relieved of pain and inflammation, and are restored to health.