All Natural Laundry Butter

Natural laundry soap made with all natural coconut oil soap.
We have been selling this locally for awhile now and it has quickly turned into one of our best sellers. it’s creates almost zero suds (they really aren’t necessary to get your clothes clean) so it is perfect for the HE. washing machines while working equally well in standard even older machines. We don’t have to “make” it ultra concentrated since we don’t add tons of synthetic additives to start with, only 1 tablespoon to a regular wash. It really works. Available in Unscented, Lavender & Lemongrass
We have been selling this locally for awhile now and it has quickly turned into one of our best sellers. it’s creates almost zero suds (they really aren’t necessary to get your clothes clean) so it is perfect for the HE. washing machines while working equally well in standard even older machines. We don’t have to “make” it ultra concentrated since we don’t add tons of synthetic additives to start with, only 1 tablespoon to a regular wash. It really works. Available in Unscented, Lavender & Lemongrass
Ingredients Water, Sodium Carbonate, Borax, Coconut Oil, Sodium Hydroxide, Scented Versions also contain Essential Oils
- Money Back Guarantee: We are convinced that like many others you will love our laundry butter. However if you don’t return one opened jar along with any unopened bars back to us for a full refund.
- No Chemical preservatives: Our laundry butter contains no added preservatives or synthetic additives.
- Only pure essential Oils: No Fragrance Oils
- Good for the environment: Naturally Phosphate Free
- Super concentrated: One jar washes 60 loads of wash
- Safe for H.E.Machines: Laundry butter does notsuds, Suds are a product of added chemicals (mainly SLS) and are not indicative of cleaning. The detergent makers add them because we have been made to believe that it’s the “suds” that prove the soap is working. If you want to know it’s cleaning look at how dirty the water is, feel the clothes after washing, smell your clothes. Your clothes will smell “clean” not perfumed.
For a Top Loading Machine:
- 1. Fill the machine with dirty clothes
- 2. Start the water, (hot- Cold- or warm- doesn’t matter)
- 3. Measure out 1 Tablespoon (Seriously 1 level Tablespoon) of laundry butter
- 4. Stick the measuring spoon of detergent under the running water, let it fall off the spoon.
- 5. Close the washer lid, go away have fun for a while, or if you want come back lift the lid and see how much dirt is in the wash water.
For a Front Loading or HE Machine
- 1. Fill the machine with dirty clothes
- 2. Measure out 1 Tablespoon (Seriously 1 level Tablespoon) of laundry butter & dump it on top of the dirty clothes.
Do NOT put the laundry butter in the soap dispenser it will only clog it up
- 3. Close the door & start the Machine, (hot- Cold- or warm- doesn’t matter)
- 4. Go away and do something else while the machine runs, or if you want watch and see how much dirt is in the wash water.
- Does it Really Only Take 1 Tablespoon? YES it really does a full load use 1 tablespoon, on a half load only use ½ Tablespoon, If they are really soiled (you’ve been tending the goats, plowing the field or working on your truck) go ahead and use a rounded Tablespoon full.
- Can I add bleach? Sure, but we recommend using Sodium Percarbonate (the active ingredient in the big name oxygen bleach without all the added chemicals you can get it online or if you would rather we can get it for you.
- Can I add Fabric Softener? If you must, but you are only adding more dangerous chemicals to your clothes, we recommend you at least try it with nothing or try adding half water-half vinegar to the fabric softener dispenser. Dry sheets also only coat the clothes with dangerous chemicals.
- Why do detergents make my clothes look dingy? This is caused by using too much detergent (it builds up in the clothes and actually traps dirt) or by washing the clothes too long (an extended wash cycle) which tends to redistribute the dirt in the clothes.