Bulgarian Lavender Soap

Bulgarian Lavender Soap
A cold process soap that contains Bulgarian Lavender essential oil.

This cold process soap contains Bulgarian Lavender essential oil.  Bulgarian lavender essential oil has an earthy, but bright aroma that has a deeper floral scent than their other lavender cousins such as English or Mediterranean. When most people think of the scent of lavender, this particular plant variety is their expected smell.


This beauty weighs in at a generous 6 ounces, and is topped with body safe glitter.


Ingredients: Coconut oil, Olive Oil, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Responsibly Sourced Palm Oil, Castor Oil, Bulgarian Lavender Essential Oil, Mica Powder Colorants, Body Safe Glitter

SloppySoap Inc.
  • Bulgarian Lavender Soap

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